A peaceful relationship with food is the foundation of a satisfying life.
Food Peace is on the Horizon.
If you’re here to schedule an appointment, please begin on our Scheduling Page. If you’d like to learn more about Sunrise Nutrition read on, we’re happy you’re here!
Can you imagine what peace with food would feel like?
Knowing the value that all foods bring to your body, no matter your current weight or diagnosis.
Having a cupcake, and moving on with your day. No guilt. No shame. No regret. Just simply enjoyable.
Thinking about food when you get hungry, or when you’re making your meal. Not all day long!
Feeling excited about eating, that’s it, excited, because eating is enjoyable & exciting!
Accepting a short notice invitation for lunch, without worrying about it, because you know all food is enjoyably nourishing in its own way.
Feeling positive, comfortable and flexible with eating, as well reliable about providing for yourself.
Feeling confident you’re a living example of peace with food to others in your life. You don’t want the kids, nieces, nephews, and friends you surround yourself with every day to struggle the way you have.
You’re a perfect fit for Sunrise Nutrition if you’re —
Confused or frustrated by all the conflicting nutrition info “out there.”
Tired of feeling guilty when eating enjoyable foods.
Noticing you struggle with emotional eating.
Wondering why you overeat or binge eat.
Unsure how to manage your current medical diagnosis with nutrition.
Tired of being shamed by medical providers who make assumptions about your eating & weight.
Sick of struggling with your weight, up down up down, ugh. Teeter totters are for kids!
Tired of advice that treats your body like a problem to be solved.
Ready to make peace with food and see the nutritional benefit in all of it.
Open to having what you believe about eating, weight and health challenged.
Ready to be kind to yourself and your body.
If you’ve struggled with food for, what feels like, your entire life.
If you’re successful in many areas of your life but just can’t seem to get a handle on your eating.
If you know how to diet, but you just can’t quite figure out how to simply enjoy eating.
Welcome, you’re in the right place.
We can help you make peace with food.
Finding peace with food allows you to stop obsessing about it so you can focus on what really matters - your life.
Interested? Schedule an appointment or take a look at Our Services.
Sunrise Nutrition Consulting LLC is on a mission
to help people develop a peaceful relationship with food filled with joyful eating & respect for their here-and-now body.
When our clients are peaceful with food and body, they can help the next generation avoid the food & body image struggles they’ve endured for a lifetime. Here’s to peace with food and body image for all!!
If you’re ready to end your struggle with food contact us for an appointment today!
Two Easy Locations
In Hesston, Kansas at 359 N Old US Hwy 81, Hesston, KS (located inside the Nickell Chiropractic Clinic)
Via Telehealth (on the Simple Practice app). We’re licensed in Kansas, and are available to a select number of additional states. Inquire today to see if yours is available!