This inquiry form is not HIPPA compliant. By submitting this form via this web portal, you acknowledge and accept the risks of communicating your health information via this unencrypted email and electronic messaging and wish to continue despite those risks. By clicking "Yes, I want to submit this form" you agree to hold Sunrise Nutrition harmless for unauthorized use, disclosure, or access of your protected health information sent via this electronic means. If you prefer, you may call us to share your Protected Health Information. Ph: 316.217.2984. Our text system is not HIPPA compliant.
Yes, I want to submit this form & agree to the terms of use.
Client Name (Parent / Guardian info will be entered below)
Parent / Guardian info will be entered below.
First Name
Last Name
Client Phone (Enter n/a if minor with no phone)
Parent / Guardian Phone will be entered below
Can we text this number? (Please note our text system is not HIPPA compliant.)
By checking this box (or texting) you agree to receive text messages at the provided number from Sunrise Nutrition Consulting. Message frequency varies, and standard message and data rates may apply. You have the right to OPT-OUT of receiving messages at any time. To OPT-OUT, reply "STOP" to any text message you receive from us. Reply HELP for assistance.
Patient is
18 years or older
Under 18 years old (We require a parent / guardian fill out payment forms.)
If under 18 years, please enter Parent or Guardian's email address for paperwork purposes:
If under 18 years, please enter Parent or Guardian's phone number:
Can we text the parent / guardian at this number? (Please note our text system is not HIPPA compliant.)
By checking yes, you agree to receive text messages at the provided number from Sunrise Nutrition Consulting. Standard message and data rates may apply. You have the right to opt out of receiving messages at any time. TO OPT OUT, reply "STOP" to any text message you receive from us.
Where did you hear of Sunrise Nutrition?
I attended a presentation by Sunrise Nutrition
My Therapist
My Primary Care Provider (doctor/nurse/etc.)
My insurance company
A Friend
Internet / Google Search
If applicable, please enter the name of the person who referred you or the location of the presentation you attended. Thank you!!
Which of these fits you best?
I'm seeking assistance for a specific diagnosis such as diabetes or high cholesterol.
I struggle with binge and emotional eating.
I think I might have an eating disorder but I've never been diagnosed.
I'm primarily interested with help for body image, not food.
My child has been diagnosed with anorexia or bulimia.
I have been diagnosed with anorexia or bulimia. (We can provide evaluation & recommendations. We currently do not have treatment slots available for adult anorexia/bulimia. )
None of these apply to me. (Please include below your reason for seeking services.)
I prefer not to answer this question. I'll discuss my situation in my first session & if I need to transfer to a different dietitian based on my need that's okay.
My preferred appointment location(s)
Newton or Telehealth
After school appointments are limited & usually not available. Does this work with your schedule?
Maybe. Please enter a comment below.
No. I'd like to wait until holiday break / summer to be seen.
No. (Please enter comment below)
I live in
Oklahoma, Colorado, Washington
Other (please include your location in the message below so we can check licensure requirements)
Who is your insurance company? (We DO NOT verify benefits. This is YOUR responsibility. Please do not assume nutrition counseling is covered. We can look some plan coverage up online if you ask!)
No insurance, I plan to self pay.
Blue Cross Blue Shield Federal Plan (Federal Agency Employee)
Blue Cross Blue Shield State of KS Plan (University, School, City / County / State Employees)
Blue Cross Blue Shield Commercial Plan (usually through a private business)
Blue Cross Blue Shield (I'm unsure if it's a federal, state or commercial plan)
KanCare (United Healthcare Medicaid) (ONLY covers for individuals 20 years and younger. NO coverage for adults at this time.)
KanCare (Sunflower or Aetna Better Health) (We are NOT in network with these, you will be cash pay.)
Commercial United Healthcare (UMR, Surest/Bind, Student Resources, etc.)
Medicare (Medicare ONLY covers us for diabetes. No other diagnoses are covered. Prediabetes is NOT covered.)
Aetna through Spirit Aerosystems
Aetna/Mertain - NOT through Spirit Aerosystems
Other: Please add your carrier to the message below.
What employer is your insurance through? (ex. Wichita Public Schools, City of Wichita, etc.)
What else would you like us to know about your needs?
Our occasional (sometimes bi-monthly) newsletter is meant to encourage you in your food peace journey, not to clutter up your inbox (we hate that too!). If you'd like to have your email added please indicate below:
to the once-in-awhile food peace newsletter
to the group education wait list
please do not add my email to the lists at this time
In order to schedule an appointment, Sunrise Nutrition requires a credit card on file. I understand that my credit card will be automatically charged a late cancellation / no show fee of $80 if I cancel within 24 hours or do not attend my scheduled intake session. This card will also automatically be charged for any balance insurance does not pay. If you have any questions about this, please contact us.
Yes, I agree to this.
Yay! We’re excited you’re seeking peace with food - it truly is life changing! We’ll get back to you soon - usually within one business day Mon through Thurs!
Sometimes our emails hide in spam - if you don’t hear back within about a day (Mon-Thurs) check there or contact us at 316.217.2984 (call/text).
Adding our email to your address book might help too,
We’re looking forward to helping you find peace with food!
Team Sunrise